Today (Days 54/5) started as most do with some frantic home preparation. Some clarification required? Well, suffice to say, apart from some tweaking i.e. positioning of the various items accumulated for the impending delivery, I am pretty much done and have been for days. Expensive whelping box erected, lined and pig-railed. Lactol, colostrum and Dopram on standby. Mountains of newspapers, laundered towels and surgical instruments await. Etcetera.
Ilo has investigated the box, briefly. Good, I thought, there's a chance she may be comfortable using it to whelp. There again, it appears she may be keeping her options open:
Clearly not satisfied that the Leylandii provided sufficient for her needs she moved on to the Elderflower.
A few minor adjustments only |
That'll do Mum! |
Bless her :)