Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The waiting game

AKA a watched lappy never boils or when the going gets tough, the tough get down to the allotment....day 60 another fine day dawns with much puffing and panting. Ilo's shape has changed once again as the whelps began their reorganisation (rolling over and queueing up basically) in preparation for birth.

Some light exercise was needed for Ilo and something a bit more for Karen and I to take our minds off WAITING, so we hit the allotment where Ilo ate as much as possible and watched the bunnies eating with impunity and we hoed and watered. Then Karen got busy with the Nikon:

Getting up not so easy now!

Just a small snooze...

Then it was back to the house for more nesting: the remainder of the conservatory floor was taken up and paving slabs were angled-ground and pea gravel was laid, and yes, just a little bit more waiting...

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