Saturday, 23 July 2011

Invasion of the eyebrows and some lovebites

What a lovely week. The babes are growing every day like the weeds on the allotment.  I am covered in lovebites from puppy snuggles. This really is a wonderful way to waste time. I am watching the dramatic changes in pigment and markings...all have lovely tan cheeks and tails and legs now, and cream girlie has black lips and her nose is slowly turning grey! Ilo is loving being a mum, and welcomes visitors warmly who stand in the dining room, a safe distance from the pups. She chased her first rabbit today on the allotment, her first outing since the they were born. Catch up with the visuals and the massive developing thumbprint eyebrows by checking out the week one photos on the Muohta page.

Doting mother


  1. So content! Lovely to see her doing what nature intended her to, albeit a little later than expected lol ;)

  2. Lovely update Mary and glad to see mum taking it all in her stride x

  3. Lovely to hear to they are doing so well, and super photos - I adore the cream girl!
