Saturday, 23 July 2011

Invasion of the eyebrows and some lovebites

What a lovely week. The babes are growing every day like the weeds on the allotment.  I am covered in lovebites from puppy snuggles. This really is a wonderful way to waste time. I am watching the dramatic changes in pigment and markings...all have lovely tan cheeks and tails and legs now, and cream girlie has black lips and her nose is slowly turning grey! Ilo is loving being a mum, and welcomes visitors warmly who stand in the dining room, a safe distance from the pups. She chased her first rabbit today on the allotment, her first outing since the they were born. Catch up with the visuals and the massive developing thumbprint eyebrows by checking out the week one photos on the Muohta page.

Doting mother

Friday, 15 July 2011

They have finally landed!

Suffice to say this may not be the most erudite entry, for we are tired and yes, a little emotional (Banrock Station). Ilo has had her pups! It was the longest drawn out affair which kept us all on tenterhooks right until the end. She has been digging and steady panting for over a week, so I have been watching her like a hawk and sleeping with her the past 5 nights.  This morning after a restless night and periods of what I can only call 'glassiness' and 'faraway stares' she settled down on the Cambodian silk cushion to receive Tellington Touch massage (to help with body awareness and reassurance) from Karen and I. Lapping this up, we were getting contractions but no action so a brisk trot was prescribed for madam and sure enough on return to the whelping box two girl pups promptly arrived. Even though I was prepared for cream and white pups it was still a shock to see a light bag!

The two first born girlies

Then we had a good two and a half hour wait before the remaining four pups came in more sensible half hour slots, with just enough time to check, prep and move onto the next.  Ilo did all the work with minimal intervention from us and with a great deal of dignity. She also sat firmly throughout each delivery which made presentation checking almost impossible and enabled her to devour too many placentas. Ah well, so much for that recommendation. Doubtless I will know all about it tomorrow ;-).

Capturing he indignity of arrival
Throughout, my whelping assistant Karen was fab, calm and really helpful - and takes superb pics! Not only that but Liz Mowatt was on standby on the phone all day with helpful tips supplemented by Carol Stuckey and Suzanne Crowhurst and her friend Barbara. The vets wanted regular updates and got them, and all was progressing well as the next two finally made an appearance - the two twin boys with rich tan markings. swiftly followed by the final two girls.

Remarkably serene, but tired with her brood

Ilo settled in with her babes and dozed off with pups feeding greedily. Checking that she was empty was less successful - as I mistook the enlarged uterus for more whelps (Sam the scan was right on the money this time) so decided a trip to vets would ensure no late night surprises. One x-ray later and a shot of oxytocin we were on our way.

A lovely calm experience, and Ilo is proving to be a most proficient Mum, more pics courtesy of Karen on the Muohta page.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The waiting game

AKA a watched lappy never boils or when the going gets tough, the tough get down to the 60 another fine day dawns with much puffing and panting. Ilo's shape has changed once again as the whelps began their reorganisation (rolling over and queueing up basically) in preparation for birth.

Some light exercise was needed for Ilo and something a bit more for Karen and I to take our minds off WAITING, so we hit the allotment where Ilo ate as much as possible and watched the bunnies eating with impunity and we hoed and watered. Then Karen got busy with the Nikon:

Getting up not so easy now!

Just a small snooze...

Then it was back to the house for more nesting: the remainder of the conservatory floor was taken up and paving slabs were angled-ground and pea gravel was laid, and yes, just a little bit more waiting...

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Who needs an expensive whelping box anyway?

Today (Days 54/5) started as most do with some frantic home preparation. Some clarification required? Well, suffice to say, apart from some tweaking i.e. positioning of the various items accumulated for the impending delivery, I am pretty much done and have been for days. Expensive whelping box erected, lined and pig-railed.  Lactol, colostrum and Dopram on standby. Mountains of newspapers, laundered towels and surgical instruments await.  Etcetera.

Ilo has investigated the box, briefly. Good, I thought, there's a chance she may be comfortable using it to whelp. There again, it appears she may be keeping her options open:

Clearly not satisfied that the Leylandii provided sufficient for her needs she moved on to the Elderflower.
A few minor adjustments only

That'll do Mum!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Hot dog - letter from America

(DAY 51/2) This warm weekend, we have big tides so there is masses of beach to saunter on. At 0700 its deserted and still cool enough for Ilo to manage a two-hour stroll. The tide was out so far we crossed the Rother estuary - at high tide the river accepts container ships - and Ilo thoroughly enjoyed getting her paws wet up to the elbows.

This week she is barely bothering to run after bunnies, but when she does it is comical...the huge belly swaying from side to side, unbalancing her completely so she soon stops.  Even in the cool house lying directly on tiles she has been breathing very heavily and is obviously uncomfortable with her massive undercoat. On Friday a fabulous cool-mat arrived from California (and a small neckerchief for me to aid in keeping my cool during the whelping). After a 45min soak in the bath and a couple of hours in the fridge it was ready to go. Its the first time I've seen her really comfortable for weeks. Great job Carmen Petersen, thank you so much!